We celebrate Vermouth time or “terraceo”

Terrace, vermuteo, aperitif, tardeo... several words for the same purpose: a moment of relaxation in the middle of Madrid's asphalt, alone or accompanied, either to disconnect, meet with friends, watch a game or simply hang out.

The idea of ​​"terracing" in Madrid was imported from France in the mid-19th century and, although it was not always viewed favorably in the capital, it has now been institutionalized as a custom that is very much ours. Perhaps that was why the talented María Simavilla chose the Terraceo o vermouth moment to tell her story of Madrid.

“What is Madrid for you?”, we wanted to know when we met María. And she recalled with a smile the relaxing moments having a vermouth sitting on the terrace of a traditional winery. With or without company? That was not important. When you're on a “terraceo” you never feel alone, because it's a plan in which everyone lives together, even if they don't go together, regardless of origin, age, political party or soccer team... like Madrid!

The result of this first dream is a bright and optimistic poster, reminiscent of the most costumbrist “The New Yorker” covers. The façade of the winery transports us to the traditional areas of the town, while the light filters through the branches of the trees to give that halo of peace to a terrace full of life. Each character tells a story that is intertwined with that of the next table. And so, all together, they write the history of Madrid.

The terraces inaugurate the good weather every year in the capital, but the cover “Terraceo” by María Simavilla, inaugurates the season of good vibes in THE MADRILEÑER.

And we hope that, with it at home, you can evoke that feeling of fullness when you take the first sip of your vermouth... cheers!

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